The Town of Somers, Connecticut (the “Town”) is soliciting proposals from solar energy providers (each a “Developer”) to design, permit, install, finance, own, operate, and maintain at least one solar photovoltaic System (the “System”) at a certain Town site a portion of which the Town anticipates leasing/licensing to a Developer. The Developer selected (the “Winning Bidder”) pursuant to this Request for Proposals (this “RFP”) will develop, construct, own, operate and maintain the System.
The documents comprising this RFP are available electronically and may be obtained via email by contacting Kirt Mayland at Mayland Energy, LLC (the “Consultant”) at [email protected] or here: Somers 2022 Solar RFP 10
The Consultant is administering this RFP on behalf of the Town of Somers. Developers shall submit responses to this RFP electronically to the Consultant no later than November 23, 2022. Proposals received after the final submission date may be considered at the sole discretion of the Town.
The Town reserves the right to amend or terminate this RFP, accept or reject any or all proposals, waive any informalities or non-material deficiencies in a proposal, and award the proposal to a Developer that, in the Town’s sole discretion and judgment, will be in the Town’s best interests. The Town’s decision shall be final, shall not be subject to review or appeal, and may be based on any criteria in the Town’s sole discretion, including but not limited to price, terms, and the relative experience and reputation of the Developer. Long-term owner/operators of solar projects with experience in New England are particularly encouraged to apply.
Any leases shall be preceded by a notice of award and letter of intent and thereafter will be contingent and non-binding until (i) all approvals and letters of support are received from applicable local, state and federal regulatory agencies, boards and authorities, (ii) final, financeable interconnection service agreements are fully executed with the utility and (iii) all other pertinent written documents and contracts are signed by the Town and the Winning Bidder.