Legal notice – Zoning Commission


 The Somers Zoning Commission has acted on the following applications at a regular meeting held Monday, December 7, 2020 at 6:30 PM via teleconference:


APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS: #20-009: Amy Eastman, 40 Hallie Lane, Somers, CT.  Pursuant to Article XII Earth removal and Filling, §214-70 Issuance of a Special Use Permit to undertake excavation, removal and filling of approximately 9,650 cubic yards and removal of that material to the abutting, conjoined parcel known as 42 Hallie Lane.

APPROVED: #20-010: Amy Eastman, 40 Hallie Lane, Somers, CT.  Zone change from Residential A Zone to Residential A-1 zone for a portion of conjoined parcel at 42 Hallie Lane.

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS: #20-011:  Amy Eastman, 40 Hallie Lane, Somers, CT.  Pursuant to Article XII Earth removal and filling, §214-70 Issuance of a Special Use Permit to undertake excavation, removal and filling of approximately 9,650 cubic yards and removal of that material to the conjoined parcel known as 42 Hallie Lane.

Dated at Somers, Connecticut this 8th day of December 2020

Zoning Commission

Jill Conklin, Chairman

Published December 10, 2020


