Zoning Commission – Special Meeting/Public hearing

The Somers Zoning commission will hold a SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 2020 6:30 PM – via TELECONFERENCE for the following matters:

To join meeting and speak during public hearing portion dial #1 646 558 8656 Enter Meeting ID: 859 0330 3547 Passcode: 317615

PUBLIC HEARING #20-009: Amy Eastman, 40 Hallie Lane, Somers, CT. Pursuant to Article XII Earth removal and Filling, §214-70 Issuance and renewal of Special Use permit, applicant is seeking a Special Use Permit to undertake excavation, removal and filling of approximately 9,650 cubic yards and removal of that material to the abutting, conjoined parcel at 42 Hallie Lane.


  1. 20-009 Amy Eastman
  2. Possible Farm Winery regulation – text