Ethics Commission

The Ethics Commission is empowered to investigate allegations of unethical conduct, corrupting influence, illegal activities or other behavior levied against any public official, employee or independent contractor that would reflect adversely against the Town of Somers.

The Ethics Commission is comprised of five resident electors, none of whom serve the town in any other capacity, either as an elected or appointed member of a Commission or Board nor as an employee of the town or the Somers Board of Education. All members are appointed by majority vote of the Board of Selectmen.

Complaints may be submitted to the Commission by:

1. Being mailed in a sealed envelope to the:

Ethics Commission
Town of Somers
Main Street-Town Hall
Somers, CT 06071
c/o Town Clerk – Confidential

2. Complaints may also be submitted by hand delivery of a sealed envelope, addressed as noted above, to the Town Clerk’s Office, David Marti, Town Clerk 860.763.8207 or [email protected]

Ethics Commission Membership

5 Members/2 Year Term

Sherri Marquis December 22, 2024
Everett Morrill December 22, 2023
William McGurk December 22, 2023
Joel Emlen December 22, 2024
Vacancy December 22,

Ethics Commission Alternate Members

2 Members/2 Year Term

Vacancy December 22,
Vacancy                              December 22,

See the Code of Ethics for more information.

Agendas and Minutes
