The Somers Senior Center welcomes everyone who is age 55 or older. Our mission is to create a warm and welcoming environment where seniors feel at home and can take part in social, educational and recreational activities.
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-4pm and Friday 8am-12pm or by appointment.
November 2024 Senior Center Calendar
Somers Senior Center Newsletters are available at the following locations: Somers Senior Center * Geissler’s Supermarket * Hometown Kitchen * Somers Public Library
If you are interested in receiving the newsletter by e-mail, simply call or email [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] to be placed on our e-mail list! Your e-mail address will be used solely for the purpose of receiving the newsletter and will not be distributed. Registration is required for all Senior Center Activities. Please click on the link below to view the newsletter.
November 2024 Senior Center Newsletter
The Somers Senior Center utilizes a computer database call “My Senior Center”. Senior Center participants are assigned an ID card that can be attached to a key ring. If you would like to become a member of the Somers Senior Center or need to update your information, please click the link below to complete the form.
Senior Center Registration Form
Somers Senior Center Policies & Procedures: Somers Senior Center Policies & Procedures Manual
Somers Senior Center is now on Facebook!
Dial-a-Ride Service – You must call 860-763-4379 to schedule your ride one week in advance. We provide you with an approximate pick up time. However, we ask you to be ready for pickup 15 minutes prior or prepared to wait up to 15 minutes after your pick up time.
Click here to view our transportation brochureDial-a-Ride buses are open for all transportation needs with limited seat availability. Medical and Employment transportation will take priority. For all other transportation needs, please call in advance to schedule and we will do our best to accommodate all riders. Every rider must complete a registration form before scheduling. Dial-a-Ride Registration Form
Dial-a-Ride Title VI Program Guide: Title VI Program Guide The Town of Somers offers transportation services to residents 60+ or those who are on Social Security Disability.
For more information on programs and how to register, please contact the Senior Center at 860-763-4379 or email our team: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
CHOICES Counseling
The Somers Social Services Department offers CHOICES counseling.
CHOICES stands for Connecticut’s program for Health insurance assistance, Outreach, Information & Referral, Counseling and Eligibility Screening. Free and objective information, counseling and assistance is available to older adults and persons with disabilities enabling them to understand and exercise their rights, access and receive benefits to which they are entitled, and make more informed decisions about quality of life issues. CHOICES is also an excellent Medicare resource for individuals who are “New to Medicare”, for example, just turning 65 years old or eligible for Medicare because of a qualifying illness or disability. Trained CHOICES staff can help consumers navigate life’s stages while reducing the stress and confusion. Counselors do not sell insurance. Please call 860-265-7551.
Meals on Wheels
If you or someone you know is homebound and unable to grocery shop/prepare meals, they may be eligible for Meals on Wheels. The program is available to residents of Somers who are considered homebound.
We are in need of volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels. If you or someone you know is willing to donate your/their time to this important program, please call 860-265-7551 for more information.
Additional Resources
If you need additional resources such as medical alert systems, home health care, financial assistance, legal or veteran services, or other helpful information please click here: Town of Somers Resource List
Senior Homes and Senior Care
If you need help finding Senior Living near you please click here: Senior Homes and Senior Care |
NCOA (National Council on Aging) Emergency Preparedness for Older Adults: Stay Prepared, Stay Safe
If you need help with with preparing for emergency situations confidently tailored specifically for the unique needs of older adults please click here: Emergency Preparedness
Maureen Parsell, Director of Recreation & Leisure Services [email protected]
Donna Richardson, Senior Center Supervisor [email protected]
Mary-Ellen Matarazzo, Senior Center Coordinator [email protected]
Pamela Caso, Administrative Assistant [email protected]
Dial-a-Ride Drivers: Gary Hunter, Renee Mullet, Pat Perry, and Scott Sfreddo