Design Advisory Board

The Design Advisory Board serves as an advisory body to the Planning Commission and the Zoning Commission on matters of site and building design in the Commercial and Industrial zones.  They are responsible for reviewing applications according to design guidelines and making recommendations to the two Commissions.  They also:

Provide guidance to developers at an early stage in the project.

Provide design support with the site plan and architectural design of buildings and structures to be in harmony with the character of the neighborhood and surrounding uses, preserve and improve the appearance and beauty of the community, and protect property values and Somers’ architectural heritage.

Provide insights regarding Somers’ design objectives which include:

  • Encouraging aesthetically pleasing commercial structures
  • Reducing massive scale and uniform impersonal appearance
  • Providing visual interest and scale consistent with the town’s identity and character.
Commission Members Commission Alternates Staff Liaison
Kenneth J. Albert – 12/24/2024
Timothy G. Tomko – 12/24/2024
Neil G. Connell – 12/24/2024
Robert Martin – 12/24/2024
Gail M. Panciera – 12/22/2024
None 600 Main Street
Somers, CT  06071

Design Advisory Board meetings are held as needed.

Agendas and Minutes
