
Prison Liaison Meeting

December 11, 2018


Prison Liaison /Public Safety Committee
Meeting Agenda
Town Hall-
Lower Conference Room
Tuesday, Dec 11, 2018 6:00pm
1. Call to Order :
2. Members Present:
3.Minutes Approval
4.Old Business:
A. Speed limit Bilton
B. Corrections and approval of Sept minutes
C. updated e-mail list- this will be ongoing.
5. New Business:
A. Get our member list together so it can be fixed on the website
B. Set up dates for future meetings..
C. Members terms expiring
6.Prison updates:
a. Willard: population ;
b. Osborn; population ;
c. Northern; population ;
7.Adjournment: pm, motion to dismiss by , second by . All in favor left.

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