Legal Notice – Conservation Commission

The Somers Conservation Commission, at a regular meeting on May 5, 2021, voted to approve:

  1. App #740: 50 Hangdog Lane.  Construct Driveway and Repair Drainage, involving work within both Wetland and Upland Review Area.  Roulier Family Limited Partnership/Daniel R. Roulier.
  2. App #746: 21 Eleanor Road. Subdivision of property containing wetlands.  Eleanor Road Business Center.
  3. App #747: 47 Avery Road. Construction of an above-ground pool in the upland review area.  Edward and Barbara Czelazewicz.
  4. Appl #748: Watchaug Road.  Replacement of Watchaug Brook culverts.  Town of Somers.


Dated at Somers, Connecticut, this 11th day of May 2021
