Notice of Auction of Personal Items

The Town of Somers Public Works Department will sell at public auction Personal Items stored in its storage facility from 116 Main Street, Apartment A.

This auction will take place on Monday, December 18, 2023, at 10:00 AM at the Somers Recycling Center, 127 Egypt Road, Somers, CT 06071.
Items may be viewed Ten (10) minutes before the auction.

Todd Rolland, Director of Land Use & Public Works, as Auctioneer and Agent for the Town of Somers.

The Town of Somers Reserves The Following Rights:
(1) To bid at the public auction,
(2) Refuse any and all bids,
(3) To cancel the auction at any time for any reason. Please check the Town of Somers website for updates at

Notice of Auction 2023 12-18 EVICTION DISPOSAL NOTICE
