Town of Somers Annual Town Meeting Minutes May 02, 2023

Town of Somers

Annual Town Meeting Minutes

May 02, 2023

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Selectman Bill Meier with 13 individuals in attendance with 11 being registered voters.  The Town Clerk was requested to read the legal notice. Legal Notice below was read.

PUBLIC NOTICE Legal Notice Town of Somers Annual Town Meeting Tuesday, May 2. 2023 7:00pm Notice is hereby given that the Annual Town Meeting to act on the following items will be held on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, at 7:00pm in the Town Hall Auditorium. 1. To elect a moderator 2. To consider the annual budget for 2023/2024 Fiscal Year as proposed by the Board of Finance, consisting of total revenues and expenditures of $38,048,558. 3.To set the date, time, and place for a referendum by optical scan voting on the question of adopting the annual budget as proposed, Selectmen recommending the referendum be conducted on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, between the hours of 6:00 am and 8:00 pm, at the Town Hall Auditorium. Dated at Somers, Connecticut this 24th day of April 2023 Board of Selectmen Tim Keeney, First Selectman Bill Meier, Selectman Journal Inquirer Bob Schmidt, Selectman April 26, 2023

  1. Elect a moderator

A motion was made by Town Clerk, David Marti to appoint Bill Meier as Moderator and seconded by Mike Marinaccio.  Selectmen Meier asked for any other nominations.  With no further nominations a motion was requested to close the nomination process.  Motion made by Ralph Williams and Seconded by Mike Marinaccio.  Motion was requested to elect Bill Meier as moderator.  Motion made by Ralph Williams and Seconded by Tom Chilicki.

  1. Consider annual budget for fiscal year 2023-2024 as proposed by the Board of Finance, consisting of $38,048,558 in revenues and expenditures

A motion was made by Lisa Horan and seconded by Tom Chilicki, (no discussion) and unanimously voted to accept the proposed budget for 2023-2024 as proposed.

  1. Set the date, time and place of a referendum vote by optical scan recommending Tuesday, May 16, 2023 between the hours of 6:00 am and 8:00 pm at the Somers Town Hall Auditorium

Motion was made by Stephen Getman and seconded by Ralph Williams and unanimously voted to conduct a referendum vote on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at the Town Hall Auditorium from 6:00 am – 8:00 pm

Motion was made by Mike Marinaccio to Close the meeting and seconded by Lisa Horan.

Respectfully submitted

David Marti

Town Clerk – Town of Somers
